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iPads @ Creative Arts
Image App


It’s important to have the Technology Use Agreement completed in iUpdate so your student can have full use of their iPad in school as intended.

If your student’s iPad screen is green, that means the Technology Use Agreement was not completed. Proceed to follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Campus Portal at It will be located under Quick Links. 

  2. Once logged in to Campus Portal, click ‘Fall iUpdate’ in the lower left corner.

  3. Complete all information, including the Student Technology Use Agreement.

Keeping Your iPad Safe:

Our iPads are valuable and fragile devices that may be targeted for theft or broken. 

  • Never leave an iPad unattended.

  • Do not leave or store iPad in a vehicle

  • Do not lend the iPad to another person. 

  • Do not use the iPad when waiting at the bus stop or train station; riding public transit, or when walking in the community. 

  • Carry the iPad to and from school in a school bag or backpack so it is not visible.

  • Do not share your passcode with anyone else.

  • Each iPad has a unique identification number and district property control tag. Do not remove the tags or modify the numbers. 

For more information on iPad expectations and care, see the iPad Behavior and Classroom Management Toolkit: Link PDF

 Lost or Broken iPads:

If a students iPad is lost, they should report to the Tech TOSA Eh Hay Taw in the Library. The iPad will be locked for safety. Students should take responsibility and check with their teachers to try and find it. 

If an iPad screen breaks, turn the iPad into Mr. Taw in the library. He will get a replacement iPad to the student as fast as possible. 

If a student’s iPad screen is broken for a second time, the student will have to have a sit down conversation with Mr. Taw about iPad safety and parents/guardians will be contacted. 

If a student’s iPad is purposely damaged or used for harm, the incident will be reported to the administration and the parents/guardians will be contacted. 

Students should keep their chargers at home and charge their iPads overnight. If students lose their chargers, there is no guarantee that they will get a replacement. Students can charge their iPads in Mr. Taw's office located in the library at their own convenience. 

Common Troubleshooting Solutions: 

For every issue, if possible power the iPad off by holding the top power button for 5 seconds. If the iPad is not responding, holding the power button on top and the home button on the front of the device will do a hard reset. 

iPad won’t charge

  • Try turning the iPad off and back on, this will refresh the software within the device.

  • There may be a connection issue between the case and the iPad. Disconnect the iPad from the case, put the iPad back into the case, and try charging it again. 

  • Try a different chargers and a different wall-outlets. Identify what is the source of the problem 

  • Mr. Taw is available in the library to walk through the process and identify the issue. 

Unable to log into Schoology

  • Make sure you are using the St. Paul link for Schoology:

  • If you are logging in from the app, enter in “Creative Arts Secondary,” then select the option with the green dot next to the title. 

  • If you are having trouble with the password or username, contact Eh Hay Taw. He will verify your information and insure your login information is correct. 



Frequently asked questions

Eh Hay Taw - Technology TOSA
