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Reader's & Writer's Workshop 6

Reader's Workshop:

At Creative Arts Secondary School, sixth-grade students read across genres with an analytical lenses. Learners in Reader's Workshop work to build stamina, ability to identify the growth of characters, the relationships between these characters, and determine what the author uses to speak to their audiences with intended meanings.  
Your young readers will develop skills that will help them gains skills and confidence in their future reading, both academic or entertainment. They will use their reading practice and strategies to help them increase their fluency, understanding, and control of language use.
A variety of art areas are embedded within our reading classes. Students will express their understanding through many choice assignments that will allow them options to show their understanding through the art forms that speak to them the most.

Writer's Workshop:

At Creative Arts Secondary School, sixth-grade students write with purpose. Learners in Writer's Workshop work to build stamina, fluency in writing, and develop strategies through repeated exposure to the process of writing. 
Your young writers will reflect on who they are in personal narratives. They will research and explore areas of interest during informational writing, and stretch their imaginations by crafting fictional stories. 
A variety of art areas are embedded within our writing classes. Students will paint, construct sculptures, and present in spoken word as they discover pathways connecting art, and the art of writing